Wagonload Of Trouble Page 16
Erin’s bright smile made him wonder if she was keeping a secret.
Rob Schaffer handed the pastor an envelope and shook the man’s hand. “Great wedding, Reverend. I hope you’ll join us at the ranch for the reception.”
The pastor nodded and smiled to someone waiting to talk with him. Evan’s father-in-law joined the group. He smiled down at Bethany and then at Evan. “Mr. Ogden sent over a nice wedding present for you two.”
“Really?” Bethany asked. “What is it?”
“Let’s just say it’s in the barn, and you’ll probably get more enjoyment from it than your husband will.”
Chuckles surrounded Evan, and he grinned.
“Whatever happened with that Ogden boy? I never got a chance to ask you.” Margaret stared at Rob, who looked at Evan.
“Go on, son, you tell her.”
“The judge gave Ryan and Maggie two hundred hours each of community service and sent them to a counselor. They’ve been helping out at the ranch every other Saturday to make restitution, and I’ve kind of taken Ryan under my wing, since he’s a big computer fan.”
Elsie clapped her hands. “That’s wonderful.”
“I have a surprise for you, too.” Bethany’s dad smiled and glanced at Erin. “Actually, we have a surprise. You want to tell him?”
Erin’s eyes glimmered. “Mr. Schaffer offered me a job. I’m going to take Polly’s place as the ranch cook. We’re moving to the ranch, too!”
Evan’s heart nearly burst, and he couldn’t help letting out a whoop at the same time Taylor squealed and Jamie let out a “Woot!”
“That’s the best news I’ve heard since Bethany agreed to marry me.”
Suddenly Taylor sobered. “But what about the Wilkes family? They aren’t leaving, are they?”
Evan knew what a blow it would be for Taylor to lose Cheryl as a friend. Without the girl’s companionship, Taylor might not be so excited about moving.
Bethany grinned up at him. “Polly is pregnant. She’s going to be helping with some of the new projects we’re taking on and working the front desk.”
“Now I don’t have to mess with that crazy computer.” Rob shook his head, and the group laughed.
Jingle bells sounded outside, and everyone turned their heads. The women gasped in unison as two white horses drawing a white sleigh decorated with red bows stopped outside the church.
Evan bowed at Bethany. “Your carriage awaits, milady.”
Her wide smile was worth all the effort he’d gone to.
“I love it, but you can’t seriously think we can ride all the way back to the ranch in that. It’s freezing outside.”
“How about just through town?”
Smiling, she grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the coat closet. He helped her into the long, hooded cloak Bethany had borrowed then slipped on his jacket. He was in for a big change, moving from the city to the country and getting married to the only girl he’d ever loved, but he was up for the challenge.
At the door, Evan picked up his bride and carried her to the sleigh, glad that the heavy snowfall had turned to light flurries. The sleigh’s driver tipped his hat to them. Evan tucked his wife under a blanket. “Don’t go anywhere.”
He hugged his sister and shook his father-in-law’s hand. “My SUV is parked where we agreed?”
Rob nodded and handed Evan his car keys. “See you two back at the ranch.”
Jamie wadded up a snowball and tossed it at Evan. He jumped backward, right into one of the horses. The animal quivered and turned its head around, nipping at Evan. He dodged the big yellow teeth and leaped clear. His family hooted with laughter.
“C’mon, city boy. We have a reception to attend. Cake to cut. Presents to open.”
Evan pressed his lips together. He was anxious to begin his life on the ranch with Bethany, but he’d be just as happy if he never saw another horse.
He climbed in beside his wife and scooted close against her, covering them both with the lap blanket.
Bethany was still giggling and shaking her head. “Whatever am I going to do with you?”
He grinned. “Kiss me, I guess.”
About the Author
Vickie McDonough believes God is the ultimate designer of romance. She is a wife of thirty-four years, mother to four sons, and a doting grandma. When not writing, she enjoys reading, watching movies, and traveling. Visit Vickie’s Web site at www.vickiemcdonough.com.
This book is dedicated to Mike and Kathleen Rasco. They’ve been our closest friends for as long as I can remember and are a very kind and generous couple. My husband, Robert, and I have laughed with them, gone to myriad dinners and movies together, and Kathleen and I enjoy beating Robert and Mike at Canasta and board games. Good friends are a blessing from God, and I thank Him for bringing Mike and Kathleen into our lives.
A note from the Author:
I love to hear from my readers! You may correspond with me by writing:
Vickie McDonough
Author Relations
PO Box 721
Uhrichsville, OH 44683